
CD32 Controller - created using Real 3D circa 1993
CD32 Controller - created using Real 3D circa 1993

Way way back in the 90s I picked up some software for my computer at the time (Commodore Amiga) called Real 3D and took my first steps into the world of 3D. As far as how well I grasped the whole 3D concept? Well I wasn't particularly good at it, and 3D applications back then weren't particular user friendly - but I did manage to create some images that I, 30 or so years later, still have.

As you can see, it's pretty crude, and the image resolutions at the time were either lo-res (320x256 - 32 colours) or hi-res (interlaced @ 640x512 - 16 colours). Hi-res would kill your eyes, so everything was usually just in lo-res!

A couple years later, and after the Amiga had basically died off, I ended up entering the PC world and once again discovering the world of 3D. I "picked up" a copy of 3D Studio Max, which ran from DOS, and eventually taught myself how to use it. When I say use it, I mean I could do some pretty basic things, but nothing too complex.

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